Our Philosophy to managing our livestock is:
Our stock always have enough food to keep them healthy, they also have enough diversity to select for what their bodies require (this is individual, same as us), we rarely aim to fatten stock as at times this could compromise our landscape.
By providing a diversity of plants our livestock are able to “self medicate” for certainly most of the internal parasites and we try to minimize our reliance on chemicals, so they are simply a last resort, that hope fully we don’t need to use.
We put our rams out in late December for a June/July lambing, with our cattle the bulls remain in all year round, the herd seem happy with that and we avoid the problems associated with bored bulls fighting on their own.
We treat all of our animals as “stock in trade”, even though we may only do 2-3 trades each year. We know the costs associated with us breeding and fattening livestock at all times, this helps us make management decisions when we either have excess grass or we are running short. We do this through KLR Marketing and their spreadsheets and informations are invaluable to our business.
While being around our stock we try and “connect” with them and over time build a relationship, this helps us to handle our stock easily as well as not requiring large fences or yards to contain them. We have both done a Low Stress Stockhandling (LSS) course as when we first put together large mobs we had lots of trouble handling them so we had to improve our stockmanship. Our stock is done 90% by motorbikes with the balance a combination of horse or even on foot, dogs are used mainly in the yards due to distances and my lack of ability to handle them.
Livestock for SALE – We will provide the Auction Plus link to livestock for sale (when available) here.