Gus's Musings

September 8, 2013

Have us blokes forgotten how to Yarn?

I had a note from a very good friend the other day who is very concerned that he reckons the thing most lacking in the food/farming circles is the ability to yarn, respect others opinions, share methods, achievements, without creating any angst.

Now I’m not sure if this comes about because we see most of our so called “leaders” (They are politicians really), spend more time putting those around them down in order that they may be seen as good, rather than just achieving.  Maybe it is due to more people feeling insecure, therefore constantly looking for affirmation from their peers.  Perhaps it is something to do with time, when time is important maybe we aren’t listening as well as we should or taking the time to relax and just yarn, about stuff!

Either way taking the time to yarn, hear and talk about how, what, when, why someone does something can be enormously beneficial to all involved, especially talking to those that have very different ideas and opinions from you.  Now this is an area that I constantly try and improve at because the benefits both personally and business wise can be huge.  Below are some points that I hope will help you see the benefits of having more quality yarns and spreading the word:


  • You only learn from hearing what you are doing wrong, or listening to those with very different ideas from you
  • Make sure that you ask the “right” questions of those that hold a different opinion, always asking those that think the same as you will result in group think.
  • Make sure you listen to others, if you would like to have yourself listened too and make sure that you clarify what they have said before making assumptions.
  • Never under estimate the “power” of creating relationships, the business opportunities that can come, also the strength and support they can offer when things turn tough, a mental health network.
  • I really enjoy the feeling of helping mates out, giving them some advice, them using that to improve.  In order for that to happen I need to show that I’m willing to receive advice, act on it and be thankful.


Thanks for hearing my “yarn”, I look forward to many more with you, Cheers!



  1. Rowan

    I reckon you’re on to something! These days most of our communication either happens in meetings (where we are stifled by agendas) or on social media (which isn’t really as deep). The days of sitting down with a mate and just chatting seem rare. We gotta make time to spend together agenda free! Anyway thanks for the reminder as I head off to a mates place to sit down for a beer and a chat. Cheers, Rowan

    • admin

      Cheers Rowan, you have a wonderful time yarning with your mate, appreciate it and expand it. Stay well. Gus

  2. roger crawford (@sixoh60)

    I wish my son and others would learn this, But by the time they listen to their dad it may be too late. Cheers and thanks for the advice

    • admin

      Always a tough call between father and son/s, keep trying though as you will be rewarded. Gus

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